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Sunday, 31 May 2015 Review – Earn Easy Money Online Without Investment With

There are many url shortener's out there like,,etc.  With some url shorteners you make make money. Yes, you can just shorten the url with their service and share them. For every click, you will receive money.
Though there are many url shortener which pays you money, is the most effective url shortener.
This article explains you how to  Earn Easy money online without investment with url shortener
How works

Just click on the link to sign up for the service.
Enter the link that you wish to shorten in the box shown in the image below and click on shorten. Thats it.
Share the link with in your facebook, twitter and other social media sites. You will be paid for each click you receive from your link.

Who can use this service

wordpress users can use this service and install the wordpress plugin and shorten all their outgoing links and make money.

Don’t have any blogs? Don’t worry. Even if you do not have any blog or websites, you can just shorten the link and share it with your friends and earn money easily without any investment.

How to join

You can sign up for the service using your email or the facebook account.

How much you can earn with

Earning depends on the country from which the click originates. Suppose you are in Dubai, you will earn more when your friend in US or UK clicks on the link you shared.
Visit the website to check for the rates.

Earn through referral
When you refer some one, you will get 20% of their earning lifelong. Sounds good right?

My tips to earn more with

Share Facebook Images Links, like funny or scary photos and trending photos out there. No need to upload the photo, just view the uploaded image by others and then right on the image and copy the image link/location then that link you copied must shorten with your account and share it on Facebook. This will surely increase your earnings. You may join facebook group with more than 1M members were you can share your link to earn more in
YouTube Video links like funny videos, scary videos and trending videos, just search on YouTube and you will find a lot to share, just copy the link of every video then shorten the link and use that for sharing on Facebook, twitter or on any social media.
Blog Post Links off course if you are a blogger you may shorten your link first before sharing it to any social media for you to earn from sharing your latest useful articles. (take note that it may not improve your social media traffic due to annoying ads)
What are you waiting for, click on the link below and sign up the service. Earn by just shortening the links and sharing it with your friends.
 Sign Up

You May Lose!

So what?
Explore your ideas, follow your dreams not for the thought that you may lose but for the thought that you may win.
Your choice… choose right!
However, be strategic . Have a winning mentality. Plan your course of actions. Work hard. Work smart.

The Re-builder


The truth is, we are living in a broken world. This means bad things happen to us all. As long as we remain in this world, bad things will continue to happen. As true as that is, the truth also is, we have a choice to make. Either we allow those bad things to take shape in our heart and then become bitter towards everyone OR we can choose to pick up the pieces, confront, forgive, extend grace and heal.
The healing process is difficult but it’s worth it. We are made to heal and then help others who go through such bad things to heal also. But if you choose to remain bitter, things get from bad to worse. It then gets to a breaking point with no redemption (a point of destruction). You don’t want to go far down on the choice to remain bitter.
Through a relationship with Christ, you have the power to heal and then be a re-builder who rebuild families, overcome hurts, and restore relationships.
Will you choose to be a re-builder or be owned by bitterness?

Want To Become A Billionaire? Solve One of these 10 Problems

Do you really want to be a billionaire? Billionaires are known to be astute problem solvers. If you want to become a billionaire, here are 10 of the many problems which you can solve one. The real challenge, and the greater value and more lucrative pursuit, would be to come up with the solutions to problems that have befuddled people for decades or more.
1. Wireless Power/Electricity
Digital devices have become so small that it can be cumbersome to plug them into a power source. Longer-lasting batteries? Nope!
2. 2. Rural, Remote Internet
Everyone agrees this is a priority. But there appear to be a hard way and an easier way to achieve it. The former involves lots of expensive regulatory clearance and installations. The latter, currently spearheaded by Google, is called Project Loon.

3. Cheap, Scalable Solar
There are two ways to reduce the cost of raw solar power. One is to have a super-cheap photo-voltaic cell, with the trade-off off that it’s inefficient. Of course, more efficient cells cost more to make. So everyone is racing to find a material or process that eliminates the trade-offs.
4. Clean Coal
The technology was recently the subject of a cover story in Wired, which said carbon capture and storage “may be more important — though much less publicized — than any renewable-energy technology for decades to come,” since it would allow the world to keep burning its most abundant fuel source. But it goes on to note that “developing reliable, large-scale CCS facilities will be time-consuming, unglamorous, and breathtakingly costly.”
5. Super-Low-Cost International Payments
while this isn’t a problem that touches the average consumer directly, the fees paid by financial institutions to wire funds overseas can eventually filter down.
6. A Pill That Really Makes You Lose Weight
7. Cheap Desalination
Water shortages continue to make the list of the world’s most pressing issues. This year’s crippling drought in California further drove the point home. But desalination plants have proved way too expensive and inefficient to build.
8. Detecting or Predicting Major Weather Or Natural Events

9. Uncrackable Passwords
wired has said 2012 was the year passwords broke. Hackers have, through brute force, so far been able to break through practically every firewall ever invented. There must be a better way. And engineers are working on them.

10. Death
It’s happening. Google — yes, it has appeared several times on this list, but that’s because it’s interested, and it can — just hired biophysicist Cynthia Kenyon from UCSF to join its Project Calico anti-aging team. Her experiment has produced roundworm as old as the equivalent of 80 human years but looks and acts the equivalent of 40. Google admits it’s a moonshot, but it’s proved pretty decent at those.

Teach Me

Do you make it easy for others to teach you? When someone tries to show you a different way or point out another route, do you react with humility? It is difficult to keep pride from rising up. But pride is what keeps us from learning well.

If you don’t have a teachable attitude and aren't open to learning new ways, how will you be able to know the right things to do? You need to be teachable. Someone is with the answers you are looking for. Pride won’t let you get those answers, humility will.

Master the Game of Money

What do you think of when you hear the word money? Like religion, sex, or politics, few topics elicit such strong emotions as that word. It can make people feel guilty when they have it – or ashamed when they don’t. It’s intensely personal and highly changed.

Money has the power to create or the power to destroy. It can be blessing that turns your dreams into reality… or a burden that you’re always chasing. One thing is for sure you must Master money and the game of money, or it will master you.

Friday, 29 May 2015

Using Photoshop to Put an Image Inside Text

For this tutorial I'll be using Photoshop to put an image inside text. It requires a clipping mask, which is easy to make once you know how. Photoshop CS4 was used for these screen shots, but you should be able to follow along with other versions.
To begin, right click on the below link to save a practice file to your computer, then open the image in Photoshop.

Name the Layer

In the Layers panel, I will double-click the layer name to make it highlighted, then type in the name, "image."

Add Text

In the Layers Panel, I will click on the eye icon to make the image invisible. I'll then select the Text tool from the Tools panel, click once on the transparent background, and type the word "GOLF" in capital letters.
For now, it doesn't matter what font I use or its size, since I will change these things in the steps ahead. And, it doesn't matter what color the font is when creating a clipping mask.

Change the Font

The font should be bold, so I'll choose Window > Character, and with the Text tool selected and the text highlighted I'll change the font in the Character panel to Ariel Black. You can choose this font or one that's similar.
I'll type "100 pt" in the font size text field. Don't worry if your text runs off the sides of the background, since the next step will fix this.

Set the Tracking

Tracking adjusts the space between letters in selected text or a block of text. In the Character panel, I will type -150 into the set tracking text field. Though, you can type in different numbers, until the space between the letters is to your liking.
If you want to adjust the space between two letters only, you can use kerning. To adjust kerning, place an insertion point between the two letters and set a value in the set kerning text field, which is to the left of the set tracking text field.

Free Transform

With the text layer selected in the layers panel, I will choose Edit > Free Transform. The keyboard shortcut for this is Ctrl + T on a PC, and Command + T on a Mac. A bounding box will surround the text.

Scale the Text

When I position the Pointer tool on a bounding box handle it changes to a double-sided arrow that I can drag to scale the text. I'll drag the bottom right corner handle downward and outward, until the text nearly fills the transparent background.
If desired, you can constrain the scale by holding down the Shift key as you drag. And, you can click and drag inside the bounding box to move it where you like.
I will move the bounding box to center the text on the background.

Move Image Layer

The layers have to be in the correct order before I can create a clipping mask. In the Layers panel, I will click on the square next to the image layer to reveal the eye icon, then drag the image layer to position it directly above the text layer. The text will disappear behind the image.

Clipping Mask

With the image layer selected, I will choose Layer > Create Clipping Mask. This will put the image inside the text.

Move Image

With the image layer selected in the Layers panel, I will select the Move tool from the Tools panel. I'll click on the image and move it around until I like how it's positioned inside the text.
You can now choose File > Save and call it done, or continue on to add some finishing touches.

Outline the Text

I want to outline the text. I'll open the Layer Style window by choosing Layer > Layer Style > Stroke.
Know that there are other ways to open the Layer Style window. You can double click the text layer, or with the text layer selected click the layer style icon at the bottom of the Layers Panel and choose Stroke.

Adjust Settings

In the Layer Style window, I will check "Stroke" and make the size 3, choose "Outside" for the position and "Normal" for the Blend Mode, then move the Opacity slider to the far right to make it 100 percent. Next, I'll click on the color box. A window will appear that allows me to select a stroke color.

Select a Stroke Color

I will click on the color slider, or move the color slider triangle up or down until I like what I see in the Color field. I'll move the circular marker within the Color field and click to select a stroke color. I'll click OK, and click OK again.

Create a New Layer

I would leave the background transparent if the text was needed for various applications - such as a brochure, magazine advertisement, and web page - since each could have dissimilar backgrounds that might not match my background color. For this tutorial, however, I will fill the background with a color so that you can better see the outlined text.
In the Layers panel, I will click on the Create New Layer icon.

I'll click and drag the new layer down under the other layers, double-click the layer name to highlight it, then type in the name, "background."

Select a Background Color

With the background layer selected, I will click on the foreground color selection box within the Tools panel, since Photoshop uses the foreground color to paint, fill, and stoke selections.
From the Color Picker, I will click on the color slider, or move the color slider triangle up or down until I like what I see in the Color field. I'll move the circular marker within the Color field and click to select a color, then click OK.
Another way to indicate a color using the Color Picker is to type in a HSB, RGB, Lab, or CMYK number, or by specifying a hexadecimal value.
With the background layer still selected, and the Paint Bucket tool selected from the Tools panel, I will click on the transparent background to fill it with color.

Save the Finished Image

Here's the end result; an image inside outlined text on a background color. Choose File > Save, and it's done!