It's not uncommon to have a portrait with areas
that are over exposed.
Today, I'm going to show you how you to remove skin highlight using Photoshop. It's not uncommon to have a portrait with areas that are over exposed. But fortunately that's an easy correction inside of Photoshop. In this image the model has some skin highlights and we want to go ahead and get rid of them. To get rid of them we're going to use something called the burn tool. The burn tool is located underneath the dodge tool here inside the tools panel, the dodge tool is this black lollipop looking tool. If you click and hold down you will see the burn tool. With the burn tool selected, up towards the top in the options bar, you can choose a brush size and then you can choose what you want to modify, shadows, mid tones or highlights. In this case, we're going to go with highlights. The exposure setting is essentially the tool's sensitivity. I will leave it set to 50%. There are no right answers here and honestly you are probably going to have to experiment. I'm going to go ahead and increase the brush size a little bit by using the right bracket key on the keyboard. Then I'm going to click and drag down this highlight. Now as I do that you will see that the modification was a little too intense. So I'm going to go ahead and undo that, command Z or control Z and we're going to drag the exposure slider to the left so the tool is a little less dramatic. Then you can come in and click and drag on those highlights to remove them.
Today, I'm going to show you how you to remove skin highlight using Photoshop. It's not uncommon to have a portrait with areas that are over exposed. But fortunately that's an easy correction inside of Photoshop. In this image the model has some skin highlights and we want to go ahead and get rid of them. To get rid of them we're going to use something called the burn tool. The burn tool is located underneath the dodge tool here inside the tools panel, the dodge tool is this black lollipop looking tool. If you click and hold down you will see the burn tool. With the burn tool selected, up towards the top in the options bar, you can choose a brush size and then you can choose what you want to modify, shadows, mid tones or highlights. In this case, we're going to go with highlights. The exposure setting is essentially the tool's sensitivity. I will leave it set to 50%. There are no right answers here and honestly you are probably going to have to experiment. I'm going to go ahead and increase the brush size a little bit by using the right bracket key on the keyboard. Then I'm going to click and drag down this highlight. Now as I do that you will see that the modification was a little too intense. So I'm going to go ahead and undo that, command Z or control Z and we're going to drag the exposure slider to the left so the tool is a little less dramatic. Then you can come in and click and drag on those highlights to remove them.